Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What's it to You?

When writing my rambling post on irritations, I stopped to stare and frown at the lack of structure of the words several times too many. I kept thinking that there needed to be more organization. A thesis. Concise argument. A triangle pattern. No fragments.

But then I was like, why? This is not an essay to be graded, I said what I wanted to say, and apparently how I wanted to say it was in such a way that was not technically correct, but technically speaking in person, would do just fine. What would be the point anyway? To prove that I can write a “proper” paper? But that would be boring if I did that constantly. That’s why I have a blog. This is my safe haven for thoughts of the more creative sort, and I while I will have the less creative from time to time as it comes up, the whole pressure of getting away from technical perfection that art brings was the whole draw of having a space like this. For me, my blog is a home to rambling, poetry, stories, things that may make little sense, and things to amuse us both. It’s a break from politically correct “perfection”, because art demands no such perfection. She’s messy, indecisive, schizophrenic, but understanding.

By the way you guys, I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the meaningful, thought-filled comments you left me on the post on being free. I love it when you take the time to say something!

So what is your blog to you, and why did you start blogging?


  1. Hi Pixie,
    I can't agree with you more!
    Blogs are the place to express our thoughts, experience which helps to create and construct.
    I started blogging to express my thoughts, contradictions, confusions and about my travels. Now it has become a therapy in the midst of the busy schedule. It gives me the dauntless wing of imagination.

    1. That's wonderful! Who needs pills when you can write? :)

  2. I agree with you about how to write in your blog. I write the exact same way, much the way I talk to my friends. I can write properly too but I like just being myself on my blog. I started writing a little over a year after my ex husband raped me... I had lost myself and my voice in that relationship... writing gave it back to me and I am grateful that I found this outlet :)

    1. So horrible, and then wonderful, thanks for sharing. And I'm really glad you've found your voice again.

  3. That's what I love about informal writing as well, the ability to be "rambly" and to pour emotions out on paper. Our writing voice tends to get lost in technical writing...

    1. It really does, doesn't it? I think it's important for writers with the creative flair to not get sucked into constant rules and regulations. Too destructive.

  4. ohhh yessssssssss. thank you. until now I have been a bit worried that my blog-writing style is too messy, too fragmented, and not organized enough. but I'm at ease now. :)

    I started my blog 3 years ago, when I was 14 (crazy that it's been that long) mostly because I wanted a blog. It was kind of "the thing to have" then, I guess. at least, for me. but a big reason was because God was really working in my life, showing me crazy stuff, and I really wanted (and felt a huge need for) an outlet through which I could share that stuff with people. it has worked and grown to be sharing anything I feel called to share (apart from "Bible study" stuff, if that makes sense). it has blessed me so much, I guess because I'm an introvert who has found it increasingly harder to share big things, yet needs that outlet. :)

    1. Totally understand that! Also, your blog is just fine. I love it. :)

  5. I started blogging because I had begun to read some blogs, mostly over my sister's shoulder :) , and it seemed like a cool way to interact with other people with common interests and share anything I wanted to share.
    Now my blog is a place for me to share my thoughts, write movie reviews (it's almost silly how much I enjoy writing them), and to practice writing as well as I can. I like grammar and the art of writing - if you can call it that - and I'd like to be proficient at both. :) Also I love interacting with other bloggers through my blog and through theirs. It's just fun. I like the feeling of having accomplished something when I finally publish a post after a long time spent on editing it, just to get it as good as I can, because I enjoy trying.

    I love your blog, by the way. :)


    1. That's awesome. Writing can definitely be an art, and I have to say, in order to master either side you really do have to excel in the whole technical aspect.

      I'm glad that you do! xx

  6. sweeeet!!!
    do you follow each other?
    let me know!

  7. Hey Pixie! I tagged you:


  8. I just write about everything that I see and in simple words that everyone understands. (In the process I too learn a few things)


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