When writing my rambling post on irritations, I stopped to stare and frown at the lack of structure of the words several times too many. I kept thinking that there needed to be more organization. A thesis. Concise argument. A triangle pattern. No fragments.
But then I was like, why? This is not an essay to be graded, I said what I wanted to say, and apparently how I wanted to say it was in such a way that was not technically correct, but technically speaking in person, would do just fine. What would be the point anyway? To prove that I can write a “proper” paper? But that would be boring if I did that constantly. That’s why I have a blog. This is my safe haven for thoughts of the more creative sort, and I while I will have the less creative from time to time as it comes up, the whole pressure of getting away from technical perfection that art brings was the whole draw of having a space like this. For me, my blog is a home to rambling, poetry, stories, things that may make little sense, and things to amuse us both. It’s a break from politically correct “perfection”, because art demands no such perfection. She’s messy, indecisive, schizophrenic, but understanding.
By the way you guys, I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the meaningful, thought-filled comments you left me on the post on being free. I love it when you take the time to say something!
So what is your blog to you, and why did you start blogging?