Monday, May 2, 2016


Realities are hard things to deal with sometimes. 

Some situations remind me of this old my mama always told me saying: 

"Don't run with scissors unless you want to get hurt."

And yet people still run with metaphorical scissors all the time. You know what I mean. 

Care to share an experience as such? Drop me a line. I'm curious.


  1. Pixie it always good to see you back writing, you write from the heart... I am the girl in that poem... I had my heart in my hand, I was so sure it wouldn't get broken and I had my head in the clouds... I tripped big time and I still haven't my missing heart... xox

    1. Thanks Launna. :) I'm glad you made a connection with this work.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I did not know that you were still blogging :) this makes me happy. I took off blogging for a long time. Glad to re-connect. And yes, realities are hard to deal with sometimes...but even harder to push to the side without being dealt with...

    1. I try to come back when I can, my writing is inspired and driven by my current life. I agree. Not dealing with things is so not the way to go. Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Hello Pixie, it's a pleasure to meet you and discover your wonderful way with words.


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