Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dreaming Lives


  1. Haha and here I thought you were having a philosophical thought... that thought was a heavy one... not sure how or if I could answer that one.;-)

    I'd probably say the same thing you did, especially early in the morning...lol

    1. Haha I had originally written this poem as a journal entry, but wanted to do something different for the blog and was encouraged to add the voice of the snark. But I'd totally say the same thing to someone being annoyingly deep when I've just woken up. ;)

  2. I love this Pixie. I love pondering whether are not our waking hours are actually a dream state, and our sleeping hours are actually real life. What an incredibly deep thought...

    1. Oh me too! This is a thought I can never get tired of. Thanks. :)

  3. whoa...that was so deep! The ending was perfect, too. x) You're a brilliant poet, Pixie! I've actually found myself thinking about this before... like "what if our dreams are our lives and our 'lives' the dreams..?" hard to twist one's mind around that one. But you captured it perfectly here-- brilliant.

    1. Thank you! It's a mind bender for sure, great for the creative juices.

  4. I love this, too! I love the surprise ending ;) And the whole thoughts about waking and dreaming and reality. I've never looked at it that way, but I really like it :)

  5. This is so nice!
    I love the end, ;)
    I've just discovered your blog but I'm already a hugh fan!

    Xx julia


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